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Rabies Awareness | Mental Health | Animal Protection

DALL·E 2023-10-18 08.49.14 - Vector design of a diverse human, a dog, and a cat, rendered

After a harrowing experience with a potential rabies exposure and the ensuing emotional turmoil, I was awakened to the pervasive nature of both rabies and mental health struggles. It's astonishing how seldom we connect the two, considering the profound impact a rabies scare can have on one's mental well-being.


I'm on a mission to shed light on the ancient and treacherous disease of RABIES, its prevention, and safety measures.


Moreover, I advocate for MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS, emphasising its importance in the aftermath of such scares.


Lastly, I champion the cause of ANIMAL WELFARE, ensuring that they are never vilified and treated as victims too...


Facing a rabies scare wasn't just an external battle but a profound voyage into my inner self. This experience illuminated that the most transformative journeys often lead us deeper within rather than far outside. Once a debilitating condition, anxiety has now become a spacesuit through which I examine the vast and intricate universe inside me. Emerging from this, I realise that true discovery isn't always about new horizons but about understanding the boundless depth of our malevolent inner cosmos. After all, even a spacesuit will eventually rip…

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In the midst of a taxing ordeal involving severe anxiety and a rabies scare, I stumbled upon an unexpected source of solace. It was something I often dismissed, and yet, in my hour of need, it provided a peculiar form of escapism. This personal revelation illuminated an unconventional pathway in my mental health journey, offering respite in a form I had never anticipated.

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